Cooking Techniques: Pickling

When you think of “pickle”, perhaps you think of a common topping on a cheeseburger or a crunchy side for a sandwich. But turns out this little word can actually refer to a whole cooking technique that can transform flavors with just a few other ingredients. 

Here, we’ll share all about the cooking technique of pickling, how to do it, and helpful tips to begin pickling today. 

What is Pickling? 

In essence, pickling involves some very simple ingredients that include either a fruit or vegetable that is marinated in a brine, which is a combination of sugar, salt, water, and of course, vinegar. This solution can help preserve vegetables or meat. Some ingredients are even cooked in this type of marinade, while others are stored in it.

What Can You Pickle? 

When it comes to pickling, there are so many opportunities for ingredients. While pickling most often is associated with those tangy and crunchy refrigerator dill pickles, there are many more fruits and vegetables that you can pickle, including: 

  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Peppers
  • Beans
  • Asparagus
  • Strawberries
  • Beets
  • And much more! 

Pickling Recipe

With basic ingredients, you can be on your way to a flavorful take on common produce items.

Here’s a brine recipe to get you started: 

  • Ingredients 
  • Preparation 
    • Combine all ingredients and bring the brine to a boil.
    • Pour over ingredients to be pickled and let cool. 
    • Store in refrigerator. 
    • Makes 1 pint of brine

Tips for Pickling

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind while pickling your produce.  

Make them your own 

The process of pickling allows for easy customization based on your taste preferences. While the brine contains simple ingredients, you can add in some other ingredients like cumin or peppercorns to vary the brine. And, with Fustini’s many flavor-infused balsamic vinegars, you can also bring a new element of flavor in the vinegar component. 

Fresh is best

Make sure the produce you’re pickling is at its freshest. This can help maintain the flavor of the ingredient and make them last longer. Also be sure to wash and clean the produce prior to using. 

Have your jars prepped 

Be sure to have your pickling materials ready to go before making that brine. That means washing and cleaning the jars and lids you’re going to use to store the pickling ingredients. 

Mix it up 

Don’t be afraid to combine two similarly flavored vegetables into one jar for pickling. This can help you use up your produce and create a fun combination that’s better in the brine. 

Start Pickling 

Discover the joy and possibilities of pickling your vegetables and fruits. With space for imagination and creativity, pickling is a simple process that you can make your own. Check out the many recipes at for pickling inspiration! 

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