Use Cooking as Your Stress Relief Activity

Use Cooking as Your Stress Relief Activity

What’s your approach to alleviating stress? People have come up with a variety of ways to move forward in identifying and coping whatever stressful seasons they face. Reading books. Coloring. Going for a hike. Deep cleaning the house - again. Watching a new series. 

One of our favorite (and most effective!) ways to alleviate stress is by getting in the kitchen. 

Whether you’re often the chef of the house or often resort to boxed mac’n’cheese to shovel down in between answering work emails, cooking can be a fun activity to do something with your hands and create something you can be proud of. 

Have you ever considered incorporating cooking as a stress relief activity?

Even if you don’t consider yourself well-versed in the kitchen, picking out a recipe or browsing through your pantry to come up with your own creation can result in more than just a delicious meal. Especially if you tend to see getting something on the table as another hassle that comes across you in your day, reframing how you view the art of cooking can cultivate a way to bring joy in your life. 

At Fustini’s, we certainly love to cook. We celebrate opportunities to cook with you in our virtual cooking classes or share recipe inspiration through each product purchased.

When you’re in the kitchen, we’re right there with you. 

Reasons Why Cooking Can Be Your Source of Stress Relief 

Cooking can help spark delight in your everyday life. Here we share why cooking can be a powerful source of stress relief and some ideas you can try today. 

Create Your Own Art 

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “you eat with your eyes”? Cooking and tasting is an experience that can be just about the visual as much as it is about how something tastes. By combining different colors, textures, and styles of cooking, you can create a dish that not only delights your tastebuds but also looks like a true work of art as well. You’ve seen this if you’ve scrolled through Instagram with hashtags like #foodart. You can put a lot of care and focus on plating and arranging your food in a way that boosts your confidence and inspires you to keep on cooking. 

Flex Your Creativity 

Like creating art, cooking also allows you the opportunity to use your creativity in a new way. According to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, people who engaged in the daily activity of creativity were happier, more relaxed, and better able to flourish in life. 

Creativity is a characteristic each of us has. No one is necessarily born more creative than another. We can grow and cultivate our creativity. It just matters how we intentionally develop our creativity to promote our passion and become more of who we are. 

Find Something You Can Control 

In a world that at times can seem so out of control, it may be helpful to find those small ways that we can feel in control of life. Cooking and baking can be an area that meets that need. Especially in moments of anxiety and stress, being able to channel your need for control into something you can make with your own hands can help put a little more confidence in your court. You determine how much sugar to dump in, how long to sauté your peppers, how thin to slice your grilled chicken. 

Culinary therapy has even been implemented at health clinics and promoted by therapists as a way to navigate depression and anxiety. CRC Health says that culinary therapy incorporates activities like cooking, meal planning, and education in grocery shopping and restaurants. It’s been linked to provide benefits in stress relief, coordination, time management skills, and improved self-esteem. Fight off those stressors just by picking up a cookbook and creating something fun. 

Eat Well, Feel Well 

Choosing to cook at home rather than picking up yet another cheese pizza also improves your physical well-being in addition to your mental health. Opting for whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains help to keep your mind healthy as you fuel your body with nutrition. According to Psychology Today, nutrients like omega-3 fats, B vitamins and amino acids have been linked to better brain health.

And, when you incorporate extra virgin olive oils and vinegars, getting those added health benefits becomes even easier. 

Share The Love With Others  

In a space where there seems to be so much need in the world, doing something nice for someone else can make ourselves feel better, too. Doubling a batch of lasagna to have one for dinner and bring the other to a family full of kids can bring a smile to their faces--and yours. Baking a couple of loaves of banana bread to bring over to a lonely neighbor can transform relationships. Through the generous gesture of food, you can invite joy and positivity in your life. 

Focus on Something Else 

From work to managing kids to volunteering in the community to taking care of others, there can be a lot going on. While many of these areas of our lives are positive and spark delight, there may be times when we need a little distraction. Particularly if we find ourselves constantly scrolling through social media or checking our news app for updates every hour. Engaging in the creative act of cooking or baking can turn your focus from the overwhelming task lists and problems we face to creating something whole for our body and soul. 

Start Your Stress Relief With These Easy Ideas 

Ready to get cooking? 

Us too. 

When it comes to getting in the kitchen, you can find recipes and dishes you can try regardless of your taste preferences or dietary restrictions. To help you spark some ideas on what to make for dinner tonight or plan for breakfast in the morning, here we share some fun recipes we can’t get enough of. These recipes are simple to follow and don’t require a laundry list of ingredients. Especially if you’re new to the art of cooking, start off slow and see what fun you can whip up. 

Breakfast ideas 

Lunches and snacks 


  • Whip up a quick and tasty lunch for you and the kids with this Cheese Quesadilla recipe.
  • Amp up that handful of almonds with this Cinnamon Chipotle flavor inspiration.  
  • Get creative with a typical bruschetta recipe that you make exactly how you like. 





What are you eager to make? Let us know what you’re cooking up in your kitchen by sharing on our social media platforms! 

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