What’s the Deal With Apple Cider Vinegar? Six Reasons You Should Try It

What’s the Deal With Apple Cider Vinegar? Six Reasons You Should Try It

If you’ve picked up a health magazine or read a diet-related article within the last year, you’ve probably heard of the latest health craze of apple cider vinegar.

Various types of vinegar, including our very own balsamic vinegar, are packed with healthy properties that make it a great addition to your diet. To discover some of these amazing benefits to your health, check out this blog article. While each vinegar type has some of its own properties, apple cider vinegar has gained extra attention for its added value to your health.

Looking for something to add to your healthy living lifestyle? Give apple cider vinegar a try. Why? Here we share six reasons why this powerful vinegar can make a big difference in improving your health so you can thrive.

1. Assists in Weight Loss

Being on a journey toward better health is something to be celebrated, not imposing a list of restrictions on yourself. With apple cider vinegar, you can curb your cravings and lower body weight. A study found that apple cider vinegar can reduce body mass index (BMI), waistline, triglycerides and visceral fat.

2. Clean Your Feet

Apple cider vinegar has as many benefits for your internal health as your external. For smelly feet, you can use apple cider vinegar to control your skin’s pH and bacteria. Simply use a rag and a solution of apple cider vinegar and water to wipe your feet and free your foot odor.

3. Eliminates Dandruff

Small white flakes of dandruff negatively influencing your confidence? Spritz them away with a apple cider vinegar and water solution. The acid in the vinegar can regulate your scalp’s pH to reduce irritation. It’s suggested to use this solution once a week and leave it in for about 15 minutes before rinsing it out of your hair. Just be careful not to get any vinegar in your eyes or ears and always dilute the vinegar before putting it on your scalp.

4. Soothes Itchy Bites

Put away the strong chemicals of some anti-itch creams and use apple cider vinegar instead. Create a weak solution of vinegar and water and rub on those pesky insect bites causing pain. The calming acid of the vinegar will help to soothe and reduce the irritation and itching caused by the bug bites or itchy poison ivy.

5. Calms Sunburns

When irritation on your skin is caused by too much time in the sun, you can still use your apple cider vinegar solution. Whether you add it to a cool bath or create a solution spray, you can calm irritation on your skin with the healthful properties in apple cider vinegar. Once again, be sure to not apply large amounts or highly concentrated vinegar directly to your skin, as doing so may cause further irritation to the skin. Always, always dilute your apple cider vinegar when applying to the skin. Note sure if it’s the solution for you? Check with your doctor first.

6. Clears Your Skin

When redness on your skin is caused by acne and stubborn pimples, you can also use a diluted, apple cider vinegar solution to soothe irritation. Be sure you dilute the vinegar a great deal so as to not dry out your skin and cause further issues.

7. Relieve Hiccups

Have annoying hiccups that just won’t go away? Try combining one teaspoon of sugar with a few drops of apple cider vinegar. With this solution, the nerves in your throat are triggered and may help to control the reflex.

Use Vinegar Safely

Because apple cider vinegar is acidic, you’ll want to be careful about the ratios you use when applying it to your skin. While the health risks are few, be sure to always dilute your apple cider vinegar and don’t use it excessively for both your internal and external health. If you notice any concerns, connect with your doctor before adding apple cider vinegar as part of your health routine. There are some limitations as to what this vinegar should be used for. Read more about the potential harmful effects of excessive vinegar here.

Use an Apple Cider Vinegar of Quality

When choosing an apple cider vinegar to start using as part of a healthy routine, you want a vinegar that doesn’t have excessive additives, chemicals or other unnatural ingredients. Our apple cider vinegar has a bright and crisp apple flavor that’s made from Annurca apples, aged in oak barrels and has the original "mother." It goes great with dishes like vegetables, pork, poultry, salads, and of course, to drink. Say Salud! to good health and pick up your super ingredient apple cider vinegar today.

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